
Alternative investment

The purpose of IKTUS from your perspective as a member is to offer an opportunity to place your money where your heart is – to help a fellow man for a better life. Many people today are upset by the way their savings are handled and utilized and would wish there was an alternative – IKTUS is for you.

Capital shortage – high interest rates

We believe our world is full of good business projects. One big problem is that the international capital flows are missing large parts of the world, with capital shortage and high interest rates as a result. This means that even very good business projects become unmanageable. The assessment of international capital is that there are too big risks that those large-scale players can not handle.

Unique possibilities

IKTUS’s unique work strategy based on partners with shared values ​​and trustworthy relationships enables IKTUS to successfully work where major actors withdraw. As a result, both you as a member of IKTUS and those involved in successful business projects are winners.

New bloodstream

Money in itself is not evil, but if incorrect driving forces control how money is used, the result will be bad. In today’s economy, we can see examples of how many people are suppressed, while a few become extremely rich because of that greed and short-term profit are underlying motives. Here you need a money management based on other values ​​such as to utilize and develop human capital, work on the basis of principles of long-term value creation. IKTUS’s goal is not to be another aid project but instead a new economic bloodstream based on innovative thinking regarding both savings and investments. An economic bloodstream that makes capital flow where it is most beneficial – where all parties become winners.


To become a member of IKTUS you must buy at least a share of SEK 5,000. The total shares of the members  constitute IKTUS capital used for investment in the various business projects. No profit is distributed directly to members, instead, the common capital grows. Profits will benefit the members by increasing their shareholding (a profit of, for example, 20% means a share increases from 1.0 to 1.2 in number). Shares can be purchased and sold between IKTUS members and also sold back to IKTUS. IKTUS capital will only be used for lending in the business projects. Costs for teaching, mentoring etc. will be financed differently.

You as a partner

As a member, the goal is to make you part of IKTUS’s work. This is done through continuous news information via our website, through trips where we visit partners and project participants, by acting as a mentor for project participants. More detailed membership information can be found under the heading Statutes.